Content-First Design Thinking for Web

Content first Design Thinking Pagano Media Article Cover

Explore the advantages  of content-first design for websites, where content drives the design process rather than fitting content into a pre-designed layout. Benefits include  improved user experience, better search engine optimization (SEO), and more meaningful, coherent and effective messaging. Practical tips and real-life examples illustrate how to implement content-first design in projects.

what is content-first design?

Content-first design is an approach in which content drives design. Content includes photography, video, text/copy, graphic design elements, data tables, and more. 

To organize content, Pagano Media creates a sitemap as well as a content document which outlines the structure and navigation of the website as well as the content on each page (e.g. text, images, data). Having all site content in one place will help determine the best design approach. 

When writing copy and identifying visual assets for each webpage, ask these questions:

  • What are we trying to communicate?
  • Who are our core audiences and what is their familiarity with our product/services?
  • What actions should visitors take on the website?
website sitemap by pagano media min
Pagano Media created this sitemap / navigation menu structure for a religious institution client. 

how does content-first design improve user experience?

Content-first design enhances user experience through seamless navigation and clear communication. First, an intuitive main navigation menu with informative subpages will encourage users to stay on your site. One of the primary reasons visitors leave websites early is due to confusing navigation menus that prevent them from finding what they are looking for.

Second, when designers prioritize content, the website will clearly communicate to visitors who you are and what you do. Every design element has a purpose when content is the primary focus. This ensures that the design is not just visually appealing but also functional in terms of supporting the content and the site’s messaging goals.

web design for navigation menu by pagano media min
Pagano Media designed and developed a clear website navigation menu for

how does content-first design improve search engine optimization?

When designers reference a sitemap and copy document to influence their creative decisions, the website will experience stronger search results. For example, content documents outline message hierarchy through page titles and page headers – both of which include target keywords. When designers reference target keywords during the design process, they are able to stylize the website in a way that highlights your top-priority keywords. Certain elements include captivating callout boxes and vibrant header colors and typography.

medical tourism web design by pagano media
Pagano Media designed with callout boxes containing high-priority keyword headings on the homepage.

how does content-first design improve website messaging?

Defining the content upfront ensures that website messaging is clear, focused and succinct. The design elements are then created to support and enhance this messaging, rather than distract from it. Ensuring content consistency is easier when it’s developed first. The design can then be tailored to present this content in a cohesive manner throughout the entire website.

In the example below, Pagano Media designed captivating data visualizations for Springfield Early College & Career Pathways, as one of their primary messaging goals was to showcase the ROI of their model for students. 

infographic design for education by pagano media
Pagano Media designed an education website for

meaning & impact

By developing your message first, you create designs that visually communicates meaning and impact, creating a memorable experience that persuades your audience to move in a desired direction.

We can help you tell your story

If you’re looking for an award-winning website to inspire audiences, say hi to Emma to start a conversation.