Best SEO Practices 2018

1. Change your perspective.
You gain valuable insight by putting yourself in the shoes of the consumers you’re trying to reach. Search Google as if you were an outsider looking in and see what comes up. Think about what the websites that garner the top results are doing that you’re not. What keywords are they putting up front? How are they organizing the content within their site? By understanding your audience’s perspective, you’ll be able to connect with them more directly.
2. Reel ‘em in – and keep them there.
The more time readers spend on your page, the higher your site will show up in Google search results. The use of calls-to-action and attention grabbing statements will be crucial in drawing your audience in from Google (AKA Click Through Rate), but captivating content is what will keep them there (AKA Dwell Time).
3. Get the inside scoop.
To maximize your engagement with the audience, try to work with experts in the field you’re writing about. They’re more likely to know the keywords that will be important to your audience.
4. Make mobile a priority.
Google’s algorithms heavily weigh your site’s mobile performance – sometimes even over your desktop version. This means that your site should be responsive, lightweight, and graphically appealing across all devices.
5. Rethink hyperlinks.
It’s called “the web” for a reason; connecting to other websites is vitally important not only for getting your name out there, but for improving your search engine results, as well. As you work on your web copy, consider how to integrate links to other pages on your site, as well as links to external websites. Consider content marketing and blog marketing as possible venues for your writers to promote you across the internet, ultimately drawing readers back to your site through your URL.