R.H. White is a leading infrastructure construction company, providing services for natural gas pipelines to water treatment facilities to corporate offices. The company desired a brand identity that honored its nearly 100-year history, positioned for growth, clearly conveyed broad services, and worked seamlessly across media applications.

R.H. White Construction Company Inc

Complex Challenge
Logo & Brand Identity
Growing Leads
Website Design & Development
A clean and contemporary website features an easy-to-view project portfolio with photos and customer video testimonials, an active vendor portal and a friendly careers section that showcases videos of RHW team members, across job specialties, sharing what it’s like working for the company.

All About The People
Recruiting Videos
RHW spotlights its experienced and professional team through a series of video vignettes & impressive bio pages.
100 Years of History
Website Design & Development
Pagano Media designs & develops a scroll-triggered timeline to tell RHW’s rich story as it approaches 100 years in business.

let’s create together
say hi to Emma to start the conversation